
I’m Karthik,I live in Bangalore,India with over decade of experience on various technology products,applications.skarthik.info was once used to be my personal blog but now I’m moving more on to posts related computer software, consumer gadgets, and web applications.

3 thoughts on “About

  1. I purchased a trial version of star trek enterprise through a company called zip nada zilch and I didn’t even get the credit, I called to cancel a long time ago. Now your trying to bill me for 44 dollars. Please cancel and refund my money. Thanks, Gary Cloud.

  2. Hello
    I’m impressed that how your team has been managing everything. The persuasive and appealing writing style of your writers is what I need for my app (a blog or an article will suffice). I hope we get the chance to work together.
    Looking forward to a categorical response from your side.


  3. Hello there,

    Thank you for using my burrito data in your recent article about maximizing Chipotle! It’s people like you that make all those burritos and all that abdominal pain worth it.

    I really liked your article, but I’d appreciate if you could credit the original article and apartmentlist.com (hey, I mean this IS the pinnacle of my interning career):
    · Here is your article: https://sskarthik.wordpress.com/2015/08/13/life-hack-how-to-get-chipotle-to-nearly-double-your-burrito-size-without-paying-extra/

    · Here is the link to our data: https://www.apartmentlist.com/rentonomics/6-techniques-to-get-more-chipotle-burrito-for-free

    Please let me know if you have any questions. We’ll continue writing fun blog pieces and will continue to keep you in the loop.

    And if you’ve tried the methods yourself, tell me how it went! I’m very curious to see how it works for other people.

    Thanks so much!


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